Author Archives: Steven Miles

Preparing for NAOSMM in Niagara Falls

The 2013 Conference of the National Association of Scientific Materials Managers (NAOSMM) is scheduled for the week of July 29.

We’re looking forward to a full week of discussing new developments in chromatography, science materials, and the genius of Nikola Tesla!

If you’re attending the conference, we hope you’ll spend some time with us – if you can’t make it this year, please check back for updates!

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Chromatography and Culture in Japan

We were privileged to be part of a trade mission from the state of Delaware to Japan.

During the trip, we met with business, government, and education leaders. We talked chemistry, chromatography, culture, history, and more.

We are grateful to the State of Delaware Office of International Trade, the U.S. Commercial Service office in Tokyo, and the Miyagi Prefectureal Government for making this trip such a great success.

Celebrating the Best Administrative Professionals Around!

Administrative Professionals Day has been celebrated in the United States since 1952.DSC 0184 resized 600

We wanted to make sure our Administrative Professionals know how much they are valued and appreciated – so Erica Swift and Laurie Jones arrived at the office to find a red carpet rolled out for them, the whole company applauding them through the hallways, and Hollywood-type stars in their office.

There’s more surprises planned throughout the day, but we wanted to take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge the great work Ericaand Laurie do in keeping things running smoothely and making sure the world has access to the best chromatography products around!describe the image

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Pittcon 2013 is underway!

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter joined with Pittcon 2013 President Ronald Bargiel to officially open Pittcon 2013 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center:

And, things started happening right away for us at booth 1319.

If you’re at Pittcon, be sure to come by the booth – if you’re not able to make it this year, we hope these updates are helpful.

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ArabLab 2013 – A great success!

Our only complaint about ArabLab 2013 is that we had to leave after just a few days.

We had a great time meeting with several companies and experiencing the beauty of Dubai – it is our hope to grow the relationships we started at ArabLab and help as many chemists as possible with their chromatography needs.

Here’s a quick video recap we put together, followed by a great video from ArabLab:

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