Author Archives: Steven Miles

Analytica China 2012 – Day One

Analytica China is one of the world’s largest conferences and trade shows centered arounddescribe the image
the science of separation, with exhibitors from around the world coming together in Shanghai to meet and share information.

Here’s a look at the first day of Analytica China 2012 – first video featured is in English, the second video is in Chinese:

Our second trip to China

We recently returned from our second trip to China with the Delaware Office of International Trade and several other great Delaware companies.

During this trip, we met with several friends, old and new, in Shanghai, Ningbo, Ningxia, and Beijing. Here’s a brief look at the trip: 

And we have exciting news! We are returning to Shanghai for Analytica China October 16-18!

Working with Exceptional Care for Children

Just a few miles from our company, there’s an organization that is devoted to making a difference in the lives of children and families.

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Exceptional Care for Children is a state-of-the-art residential healthcare facility serving technology-dependent children and their families.

We are proud to be a part of Exceptional Care for Children. Our company has sponsored one of the rooms in the facility – The Delaware Room:

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We are ever grateful for the incredible work done by Exceptional Care for Children and encourage everyone to get to know this group better. Click Here for more information.

Our SBA Success Story…

Our friends at the U.S. Small Business Administration released the following information about our company’s engagement with the STEP Grant. We thought you might like to see it, too.

For Immediate Release


Jim Provo

302-573-6294, ext. 227

SBA Helps Delaware Business Take a STEP to Greater Exports

Analtech and 19 Other Local Businesses Visit China and Brazil 

Wilmington, DE – Everyone agrees that U.S. companies should export more of their goods and services to other countries. After all, 90% of the world’s spending occurs outside the United States. Delaware is taking action to help small businesses in the state do exactly that. Fifteen Delaware businesses recently visited China and another five visited Brazil to start or improve their exporting to those countries. This trip was funded in large part by a $246,000 State Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and coordinated with help from the State of Delaware’s International Trade and Development Group (ITG).

The STEP program is a 3-year pilot trade and export initiative authorized by the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010. Funded by federal grants and matching funds from the states, the STEP Program is designed to help increase the number of small businesses that are exporting and to raise the value of exports for those small businesses that are currently exporting.STEP Grant China group resized 600

Analtech Inc. of Newark was one of these businesses. Analtech, Inc. started manufacturing Thin Layer Chromatography Plates in 1961 and began selling products internationally in the mid-1990s. While they have more than 60 distributors around the world, they have had a difficult time finding a distributor in China through phone calls and e-mails alone. But, since the trip in May they have made more progress in gaining access to Chinese markets than in the previous 15 years. It is clear that nothing compares to face-to-face meetings when it comes to establishing business relationships.

Prior to setting foot on Chinese soil, much work was done by the ITG, SBA, the U.S. Department of Commerce, World Trade Center Delaware, and several other groups and organizations to help plan this event. That preparation helped make the trip an effective and efficient endeavor.

“Once in China, at each meeting, we found ourselves speaking directly with people who either were great potential customers or distributors – or who could offer us useful and practical information to help us connect and grow our exports. We were able to establish (with the help and guidance of our translator) new social media channels on Weibo and Youku to better communicate with individuals, businesses, universities, and government officials in China,” said Ken Grant, Sales and marketing Director of Analtech Inc.

Steven Miles, General Manager, Analtech Inc. remarked, “This trip is considered a success by our company and a significant step forward in our ongoing attempts to engage with the Chinese marketplace. Upon our return to the U.S., we set up a page on our web site specifically for visitors from China where they can access our videos (YouTube is blocked in China, we now have videos available through Chinese Youku) and learn more about our company. We are continuing conversations with potential distributors and customers in China and look forward to long and fruitful relationships with our new friends,” Other Delaware small businesses participating in the program report similar positive results.

Each state submits a grant request to the SBA to request funding for the STEP program, and each state can define how the money will be used. Delaware chose to focus on exports to China and Brazil. John Pastor, the Director of the ITG in Delaware stated, “The program was well thought out and allows each State to provide focused assistance to eligible small businesses. Small businesses have limited resources and generally require advice, information and hand-holding when entering or expanding in international markets. The STEP program is excellent use of money that provides the funding to directly assist the small business to enter new export markets and increase their export business volume.”

Through the STEP grants, SBA awarded approximately $30,000,000, supporting approximately $43,400,000 of total projects costs. SBA is authorized to grant up to $30 million to States each year under the program. The STEP grants can help provide many possible support mechanisms for small businesses such as:

  • participation in foreign trade missions and foreign market sales trips
  • subscription to services by the Department of Commerce;
  • website translation fees;
  • design of international marketing media;
  • trade show exhibitions;
  • participation in training workshops; and
  • other export initiatives determined to be appropriate by the SBA.

“While it will take a little more time to see an actual increase in exports from these trips, the foundation has been laid in the form of relationships, partnerships, and open lines of communication to build our exports in the coming years,” said Tony Leta, district director of the Delaware SBA office. And that is a STEP in the right direction.

# # #

The SBA’s mission is to maintain and strengthen the nation’s economy by aiding, counseling, assisting and protecting the interests of small businesses and by providing loan guarantees through private sector lenders to help qualified small businesses secure financing on reasonable terms. SBA offers counseling and training through its resource partners: the Small Business Technology and Development Center, SCORE, and YWCA Delaware Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship. SBA also provides assistance with contracting, surety bonding, and disaster recovery. For more information call 302-573-6294 or go to

Participating at the ACS Philly meeting

Our Sales and Marketing Director, Ken Grant, had the honor of joining a team of speakers for a session of the American Chemical Society’s Division of Small Chemical Businesses inScreen shot 2012 08 21 at 3.50.20 PM resized 600 Philadelphia on August 19.

The session on social media and the chemical industry was put together by Jennifer Maclachlan and featured Sandra Thompson of BuchalterNemer, Megan Norton of CSols, and Ken Grant.

Sandra Thompson spoke about the legal aspects of businesses using social media. “It is important to keep in mind that social media use must be carefully monitored, controlled and documented in order to stay out of a potential legal minefield,” Thompson said.

ACS Philly 1 resized 600Megan Norton offered case studies and insights from her company’s use of social media tools. “Social Media has matured into a valuable tool for companies to reach their target consumer and increase visibility of their product and servicees,” Norton said. “CSols, Inc., recognized this shift and decided to follow our customers online. We have realized the value from incorporating traditional sales principles with new social media tools into our business culture and marketing strategy.”

Ken Grant focused on the possibilities of influencing public perseptions about science through social media. “This is where people are living, learning, and exchanging ideas,” Grant said. “We can either engage and influence the conversations about our industry, inspire students, and shape the future or we can sit back and do nothing. But, if we choose not to engage, then we only have ourselves to blame when misinformation spreads unchecked in our society.”

Collection of Thin Layer Chromatography Videos

There are a number of videos available that demonstrate thin layer chromatography – we figured it might be helpful to put some of these here as an easy reference.

NOTE: we were not involved with the production of any of these videos, we want to make sure you give credit where credit is due – so we’ve included any information we can from the individuals and organizations responsible for these productions. Also, these videos are offered in no particular order.

Please feel free to send along any videos to add to the collection.

1. O-Chem Thin Layer Chromatography with Dr. John Davison at Irvine Valley College, in Irvine, Ca. (Part 6 of 7) of the IVC Chemistry Lab Safety Series. 

2. Unknown producer


 3. Thin Layer Chromatography 
Demonstrated by Mark Niemczyk, PhD

4. Spartan calculated molecule structures and Blender 3D rendered animation

5. Thin-layer Chromatography is used to separate the components of a drug mixture by polarity on a thin plate.

NAOSMM 2012 update

The 39th Annual Conference of the National Association of Scientific Materials Managers is well underway – and we are thrilled to be part of the show in Albuquerque, New Mexico.2012 07 30 08 31 21 197 resized 600

From opening with a lesson in Native American culture to sessions on a wide variety of subjects to meeting several great new NAOSMM attendees, this is shaping up to be one of the best conferences in NAOSMM’s rich history.

Here’s a look at our time in Albuquerque:

And here’s a look at the incredible welcome we got from Gregg Analla of the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center:

Preparing for NAOSMM 2012

The National Association of Scientific Materials Managers (NAOSMM for short and pronounced Nay-O-Sum) is:

  • A group of approximately 500 individuals involved in purchasing, receiving, warehousing, distribution, and inventory control of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, glassware and plasticware, instruments and special services in research, teaching, and R & D fields.
  • We work in academia, industry or research.
  • We hold positions such as storeroom managers, laboratory managers, teaching lab coordinators, purchasing or procurement personnel, and business managers.logo mid resized 600

Our company is proud to be involved with NAOSMM – and we’re looking forward to being part of the 2012 NAOSMM conference in Albuquerue, New Mexico.

At last year’s conference in Minneapolis, we had the privilege of sharing about Thin Layer Chromatography’s rich history and some best practices for storing and using TLC Plates.

Expect photos and updates here as well as on our twitter feed the week of July 30.

Here’s what we’re looking forward to this year:

  • Two full days of education and professional development
    • The educational seminars and roundtable discussions will help you perform your job more efficiently, economically and safely.
    • Discuss current topics in regulations facing the Scientific Materials Manager
    • Round Table discussions will can help solve a dilemma you are facing today
  • Two half days exclusively for trade show and vendor interaction
    • The exclusive time set aside for the trade show allows you to interact with sales representatives and see new products and innovations.
    • Find new vendors and develop and enhance more meaningful relationships with current vendors
    • The vendor representatives at the trade show value your feedback to improve their products and services.
    • Quality time with vendors can save you and your company time and money
    • Interact with other NAOSMM members and find out what vendors they value and why.
  • Network with peers in academia, research and industry
    • NAOSMM is a welcoming group whose members are eager to network and learn from each other as well as our invited speakers.
    • The camaraderie with peers is a priceless benefit and has drawn many members back to conferences year after year.
    • Receptions and evening activities provide opportunity for continued networking and learning with peers and vendors

Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act highlighted

Members of Delaware’s medical, pharma, and legislative communities gathered at the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center in Christiana Care Health System to discuss the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act of 2012.

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The bill enables the FDA to collect fees from pharma companies to offset costs of regulatory reviews of biological products and drugs. The measure reauthorizes the Prescription Drug User Fee Act and Medical Device User Fee Act.

U.S. Senator Tom Carper issued the following statement:

“This bill helps ensure that Americans get access to the life-saving medications and medical devices that are developed in this country – including Delaware – as soon and as safely as possible,” said Sen. Tom Carper. “It improves the Food and Drug Administration’s ability to review and regulate drugs and medical devices for adults and children. This legislation also helps to protect patients’ access to critical medicines by creating new programs to incentivize the development of new antibiotics and reduce drug shortages. Patients, health care providers, and the pharmaceutical and medical device industries will all benefit from a more responsive and effective Food and Drug Administration– a win-win for Delaware consumers and businesses.”

and, our camera’s were there to capture the conference:

Preparing for Pittcon 2013 in Philadelphia!

Pittcon 2013 will be held in Philadlephia the week of March 17-21!Pittcon meeting

We’re pretty excited because Philadelphia is one of the more popular suburbs of our company’s home town of Newark, Delaware (just kidding, Philly).

Seriously though, this will be the best Pittcon yet!

There was a big exhibitor’s meeting last week, and we had a chance to talk with Pittcon Marketing Chair Ann Puskaric about some of the plans:

and while we were in Orlando, we caught up with Pittcon 2013 President Ron Bargiel – you can see he’s excited about coming to Philly:

We’ll keep you updated on developments (save the date – Tuesday, March 19, 2013 will feature some pretty impressive Pittcon Tweet Ups!) – hope to see you in our neighborhood!