The Tuesday Tweet Up at Pittcon tradition continues!
Making Chromatography Connections at ArabLab
ArabLab is the best trade show for the Analytical Industry that reaches chemists from the Middle East, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, China, and Asia.
We arrived in Dubai a few days ago and have been overwhelmed with the beauty of the region.
Our experiences at ArabLab have been incredible, meeting with distributors, experts in the chemical field, and companies interested in the latest Chromatography information.
We owe a huge thanks to our friends at Channels – Anne, Bhavna, Sana, and Mohit – for introducing us to several of the companies in the Dubai region.
Here’s a look at just some of the people we’ve met, the sights we’ve seen, and the experiences we’ve had in our first couple of days in Dubai:
Pittcon 2013 – in our back yard!
We’re pretty excited about the fact that Pittcon 2013 will be just a few miles up the road from us!
Be sure to come by Booth 1319 to catch up on the latest in Chromatography, see what a separation of green beer looks like, and meet our Liaison to China!
How to snap a scored prep thin layer chromatography plate
We have been manufacturing pre-scored thin layer chromatography plates for decades.
These plates allow people to quickly and easily take a 20 x 20 cm plate and snap it into smaller plates.
We are regularly asked for the best method to snap the preparative layer plates, here’s a quick video demonstration:
Some Applications of Thin Layer Chromatography 薄层层析法的一些应用
1. 样品的提纯:样品的提纯可以通过薄层层析法来完成。直接比较可在随机样品和标准或真实样品间进行;如果样品经检测不纯,那么一定有额外斑点存在,而这个很容易被发现。
2. 混合物的识别:薄层层析法可以被应用于天然产品的提纯、隔离和鉴定,其中包括挥发油、精油、固定油、蜡、萜烯、生物碱、苷类、类固醇,等等。
3. 反应监测:薄层层析法可以对反应混合物进行检测从而判断其反应是否完全。这个方法也可用于检查其他分离过程或提纯进程,比如蒸馏、分子蒸馏等等。
4. 生物化学分析:薄层层析法对于生物化学代谢物以及体液、血浆、血清和尿液构成物的隔离或分离检测特别有效。
5. 在化学中的应用:薄层层析法在相似成分的分离和识别实验中的应用等化学领域中越来越普及。同时,该方法也应用于无机化学中阴阳离子的鉴别。
6. 在医药学领域的应用:不少药典已经采用薄层层析法来检测化学药物的纯度。
7. 像催眠药、镇定剂、抗惊厥剂、抗组胺剂、镇痛剂、局部麻醉剂、类固醇等药物都可以用薄层层析法有效检测。
8. 薄层层析法另一个重要应用是对多成分药物配方的分离。
9. 食物和化妆品领域的应用:薄层层析法也用于颜色、防腐剂、甜味剂以及各种化妆产品要素的分离和鉴别。
Advantages of Thin Layer Chromatography 薄层层析法的优点
4. 薄层层析法样本的检测极限大约要比纸层析法低一个小数位,并且,分析所需的样本数目较少。
5. 在纸层析检验中,纤维素十分容易被破坏,因而腐蚀剂喷雾不能被用于鉴定实验,但对于薄层层析法而言,则不存在这一难题。
6. 可用吸附剂资源丰富,因而薄层层析法被广泛用于吸附、分离以及离子交换层析。
7. 相比于纸层析法,薄层层析法的个体样板不容易扩散,因而检测敏感度更强。
8. 被分离的成分可以通过金属粉末涂料的刮擦来达到恢复,同时,点状或区域的量化分离也可以得到实现。
9. 无机吸附背景下不透明,因而我们可以在检测鉴定中通过紫外光来识别每一种成分。
10. 薄层层析法可以在较厚的层析吸附剂的作用下用于预备性分离。
A great video demonstrating Thin Layer Chromatography
We just came across this video and we’re impressed with how well it shows thin layer chromatography in action:
Applications and Advantages of Thin Layer Chromatography
We are thrilled to find web sites, blogs, videos, and posts centered around chromatography, and we enjoy sharing these finds!
Nitin Vasava is a pharmacist who created the blog pharmastuff4u.
Nitin has posted a couple of very useful lists, here’s excerpts:
TLC Application | Some Applications of Thin Layer Chromatography
- Purity of any sample : Purity of sample can be carried out with TLC. Direct comparison is done between the sample and the standard or authentic sample; if any impurity is detected, then it shows extra spots and this can be detected easily.
- Identification of compounds: Thin layer chromatography can be employed in purification, isolation and identification of natural products like volatile oil or essential oil, fixed oil, waxes, terpenes, alkaloids, glycosides, steriods etc.
- Examination of reactions: Reaction mixture can be examined by Thin layer chromatography to access whether the reaction is complete or not. This method is also used in checking other separational processes and purification processes like distillation, molecular distillation etc.
Click Here for the complete post.
Advantages of Thin Layer Chromatography TLC
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Advantages of Thin layer Chromatography (TLC) |
- Less equipment is required.
- Very little time for separation is required.
- It is more sensitive.
- The lower detection limit of analytical sample in TLC is approximately one decimal lower than that is paper chromatography and very small quantities of sample is sufficient for analysis.
In Memory…
We would not be here, and you would not be reading this post, if it were not for one man.
Matt Lamkin founded our company in 1961 – he has been a truly great leader, mentor, and friend to everyone in this company.
Matt passed away recently, leaving all of us with both great memories and a sense of loss.
We join all of Matt’s family and friends in saying farewell to a man who made a difference to all of us.
Analytica China 2012 – Day Two
We had a wonderful time during the second day of Analytica China – from discussing practical applications of Thin Layer Chromatography to demonstrating how to snap our pre-scored TLC Plates. Here’s a look at those demonstrations, first in Chinese, then in English:
We also had a chance to talk with more of our friends attending and exhibiting at Analytica China: